Apprenticeship training is a course of training in an industry or establishment, under a contract of apprenticeship which consists of :- a) basic training component and b) on-the-job-training (OJT)/practical training at workplace
Yes, All establishments having work force (regular and contract employees) of 30 or more are mandated to undertake Apprenticeship Programs in a range from 2.5% -15% of its workforce (including direct contractual employees) every year. • For establishments having a workforce between 4 - 29 this is optional. • Establishments have a workforce of 3 or less are not permitted to engage apprentices., click below and download the notice issued by Govt of India .
Infinitalent consulting Pvt Ltd is Govt of India authorized TPA(third party aggregator) to implement the apprenticeship across the country with all the organizations (Refer Govt. Of India apprenticeship portal in third party aggregator page Sl No 155 Infinitalent consulting Pvt Ltd is listed by Govt of India, Infinitalent is a leading Apprenticeship TPA Company, as Infinitalent team is very well versed and complete apprenticeship process known team, Infinitalent provides complete end to end apprenticeship compliance to all the sectors including manufacturing , service, IT/ITES , Software, R&D, Bio medical, Pharma company, Hospital, Hotels, and all the sectors, Cost effective and quick response team. click below and download Infinitalent company profile
Connect with Govt. Of India authorized TPA (Third party aggregator) to facilitate the apprenticeship program , TPA can provide the complete end to end apprenticeship compliance, Infinitalent consulting Pvt Ltd is Govt of India authorized leading TPA company, if organization would like to comply as per apprenticeship act , Infinitalent would be right choice for your organization
Organizations can hire the candidates under apprenticeship minimum 15 years and maximum Up to 35 years
Organization is avail to get the DBT benefit (under NAPS-1500Rs per month per candidate) Govt of India will provide financial benefit, under NATS-4500Rs for graduates, 4000Rs for Diploma candidates) financial benefit will be provided by Govt of India, organization can save this money , No labor compliance on this act , NO need to provide PF/ESI to the trainees , if organization is hired more than 2.5% apprenticeship trainees on or above 2.5% to 25% trainees stipend amount and training expenses can be booked under CSR Fund, click below and download the MCA, MSDE Circular to use the CSR fund
If organization is not complied apprenticeship act initial three months 500Rs per month per for shortfall of apprentices penalty will be imposed , after three months 1000Rs per month per for shortfall of apprentices penalty will be imposed till such seats are filled up, and organization will be marked as non compliance organization and legal action can be taken by Govt of India
If organization is located in multiple locations in India organization need not comply in all the location, on total manpower of all the locations minimum 2.5% is to be maintained than the organization is complied as per apprenticeship act for all the locations.
Minimum 5th standard to till PHD all the education candidates can be engaged under apprenticeship based on the organization requirement and based on the organization required skill
Infinitalent consulting Pvt Ltd is Govt. of India authorized TPA(Third party aggregator) to implement the apprenticeship across the country with all the organizations, Pls click and download the SOW(Scope of work as a TPA)
No, Existing employees can not be converted as apprenticeship trainees, 5th standard to till PHD education any Fresher and if they have experience, minimum 15 age and maximum up to 35 age candidates can be engaged under apprenticeship, but they should not cross more than 3 years PF/ESI history
If Organization is maintained minimum thresh hold of 2.5% on or above 2.5% to 25% of total trainees stipend amount and if any expenses covered under this apprenticeship program the complete amount can be booked under CSR fund, Click below and download the CSR using circular published by Govt of India
Candidate will appear for assessment & he will be removed from apprenticeship system.
candidate search for better prospect based on learnt skill
If required organization can continue him in any other format (FTE OR contract), No mandatory to hire him/Her as FTE
Yes, Candidate should appear for online theory exam which will be optional question answer, Theory exam will be 30% score practical score will be 70%, Theory assessment will be done by SSC, Practical assessment will be completed by TPA with the support of organization .